Today I set up a new oVirt Cluster based on the oVirt Node 4.4 and a Gluster installation. The cockpit installation looked nice but failed with the following error:
TASK [gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup : Record for missing devices for phase 2] ***
skipping: [<SERVERNAME>] => (item={'cmd': ' test -b /dev/sdb && echo "1" || echo "0"; \n', 'stdout': '1', 'stderr': '', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2021-01-23 16:17:42.264991', 'end': '2021-01-23 16:17:42.269580', 'delta': '0:00:00.004589', 'changed': True, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'_raw_params': ' test -b /dev/sdb && echo "1" || echo "0"; \n', '_uses_shell': True, 'warn': True, 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, 'argv': None, 'chdir': None, 'executable': None, 'creates': None, 'removes': None, 'stdin': None}}, 'stdout_lines': ['1'], 'stderr_lines': [], 'failed': False, 'item': {'key': 'gluster_vg_sdb', 'value': [{'vgname': 'gluster_vg_sdb', 'pvname': '/dev/sdb'}]}, 'ansible_loop_var': 'item'})
TASK [gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup : Create volume groups] ****************
failed: [<SERVERNAME>] (item={'key': 'gluster_vg_sdb', 'value': [{'vgname': 'gluster_vg_sdb', 'pvname': '/dev/sdb'}]}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "err": " Device /dev/sdb excluded by a filter.\n", "item": {"key": "gluster_vg_sdb", "value": [{"pvname": "/dev/sdb", "vgname": "gluster_vg_sdb"}]}, "msg": "Creating physical volume '/dev/sdb' failed", "rc": 5}
Edit /etc/lvm/lvm.conf and comment this line:
# filter = ["a|^/dev/disk/by-id/lvm-pv-uuid-QRH3OD-u26F-6PIy-nHI9-HAJ4-qK1K-03wZmW$|", "r|.*|"]
Now the setup should run through.
Great info… but what is it doing there to begin with? Why was it put there? SHOULD we remove it? i would love to find this out aswell. The conf file doesnt really explain this filter line very well to begin with.
Hi Mathias,
I think the problem is that the filter was rejecting /dev/sdb
and only accepting logical volumes ….
I had the same issue on my ovirt deployment today (using a partition on the single RAID-5 sda4) …. by commenting out this entry on the lvm.conf on all 3x nodes I was able to complete the glusterfs deployment
This problem has been bothering me for the past year.
By this information, I was able to deploy successfully.
This is very valuable information !!
Thanks a lot for your help !
This info helped me today to deploy Ovirt 4.4.10.. Thanks a million