Use HP iLO2 Remote Console with Linux in 2018

Today I have to reinstall an old HP ProLiant 350 G5 which uses Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO2). For the re-installation I need to use the Remote Console which runs as Java Applet. A long time ago Firefox dropped the support of NPAPI and therefore Java Applets will not work anymore (Official statement). Here is my solution how to use Java Applets. Environment:
  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Browser: Firefox ESR
  • Java: JRE7
  • HP ProLiant ML350 G5 with iLO2

Install Firefox ESR

yaourt firefox-esr
Choose version: aur/firefox-esr-bin 52.6.0-1

Install JRE7

yaourt jre7
Choose version: aur/jre7 7u80-1

Configure JRE7 for Firefox

cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins sudo rm libnpjp* sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-jre/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so

Add the iLO2 to the security exceptions

  1. Start the Java Control Panel: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-jre/jre/bin/ControlPanel
  2. Add the URL to the exception list

Open iLO2

  1. Open Firefox-ESR
  2. Open about:addons
  3. Verify if the plugin is listed
  4. Open the iLO page and start the remote console
Finally you should get a screen like this

7 thoughts on “Use HP iLO2 Remote Console with Linux in 2018”

  1. Won’t work if you are also using a current version of Firefox. even if you explicitly run the FF v51 version from within it’s own directory (change to directory, run “./firefox” or even “./firefox-bin”).

    HP’s iLO (remote server console) needs either Oracle’s WebStart (removed in newer JDK versions, and the OpenJDK version won’t load the console) or a Java Plugin (no longer supported by Firefox). So if you need to work on an HP server, you’re screwed.

    1. Not necessarily, you still can get it all working and use HP iLO2 on Linux as of January 2020 (when I last tried it). I left another comment with a link to my blog post about it (see below).

  2. Excellent post, thanks! It worked with Oracle’s jre8. If you get a “class not found error”, click ‘details’ and click ‘reload’ and then the remote console should show up.

  3. Works is fine. Thanks you.
    I did install it today on Ubintu 18.04.3 Mate.
    Firefox ESR 52.9.0 x64
    Java8 x64 latest version from java.com

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