Today I upgrade an Contao v3 installation to Contao v4.
Steps overview:
- Backup
- Setup local server with apache as docker container
- Migrate to v4
- Migrate code manually until page looks like in v3
- Move files to destination server
NOTE: Some steps below are explained very short, if you need more details please leave a comment and I will go more into depth for the needed step.
Create a backup of the database and the files
Create a Docker container for mysql with image “mariadb”, optional with “phpmyadmin”
Create a Docker container for apache with “newdeveloper/apache-php” and expose a folder to /var/www/html
Create a subfolder /var/www/html/web
Import the database backup into mariadb
If you can not upload your file with phpmyadmin you can modify php.ini to increase the upload filesize with “upload_max_filesize = 5M”
Modify apache “docker exec -ti apache.1 bash”
apt-get update
apt-get -y install vim zip php7.2-intl php7.2-mbstring php7.2-soap
Set /var/www/html/web as DocumentRoot
vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/web
service apache2 reload
- Download contao-manager.phar /var/www/html/web
- Rename contao-manager.phar to contao-manager.phar.php
- Open: http://localhost/contao-manager.phar.php
- Create a user
- During system check change the server configuration to “other …”
- Start the setup and choose the LTS version
- IMPORTANT: Before you update the database move the directory files/* and templates/* to /var/www/html
- “Confirm & Close” the installer
- Install missing extensions
Copy old extensions to system/modules/
Open the installtool: http://localhost/contao/install
Fill in the database credentials
Create a symlink from folder „web/files“ to „files“, this was not generated during „system maintenance/symlink“
- OPTIONAL: I need to change the following to fix the given page:
- ID: Artikle ID’s are not used anymore from aliases to ID’s
- Menu: The active link’s are moved from “<span>” to “<strong>”
- After the page looks like before you can copy the files and the database to your provider. If you are getting into troubles about missing php you should run the contao-manager and set the path to php like described above.