BackupPC for workstations

Today I publish my script to do daily backups on a BackupPC Server http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/ on workstations which are not online all the time. BackupPC is normally used to do daily backups from servers, but this is a problem for workstations which are normally offline on backup times like 3:00AM (I heard people sleep during this time (wired)).

Therefore there are some solutions:

  1. Disable automatically backup in BackupPC and make in manually by clicking on the backup button in the webinterface
  2. Turn on the workstations in the night with wake-on-lan and power them off after the backup is done. This was my solution before i wrote this script which is also not so easy for example: whats do you do when somebody is working on the workstation after backup is finished. You can’t turn them off, but you can try 😀
  3. Use my script which can be used in a cronjob to run every minute, add it to the startup script, run it only at a given time and many more

What will the script do?

It starts the backup process on the BackupPC server as a ssh command, checks the backup state, save the last backup time to avoid to often backups and stores a pid so it run as singleton

Preparation for BackupPC:

  • Configure the workstations in BackupPC like a normal server
  • Test the backup
  • Disable the automatically backup “BackupsDisable=1”
  • Done

Where to find the script?

Indeed on github 😉 https://github.com/wefixit-AT/backupPCworkstationScript

I hope this will help others to, comments are welcome

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